Press Releases

KT SAT supplied the trial weather data auto-transfer system to the weather forecast center

2014-10-20 00:00:00

파일 공유 버튼 페이스북 공유하기 인스타그램 공유 버튼

KT SAT supplied the trial weather data auto-transfer system to the weather forecast center

 “Download weather information in real-time through satellite!”


KT SAT reported that it will supply weather forecast center its weather data auto-transfer system that uses satellite network through Atmospheric Modeling Center, the advisory research body of weather center. 

The installation of Weather Data Auto Transfer System (Auto DTS) was complete in Nomgon region of Mongolia, the origin of yellow dust, from 28th of last month to 3rd of this month. 


This solution will automatically transfer weather data including yellow dust information, atmospheric pressure, and wind speed measured in Mongolia to the weather center. It is expected to be used in various fields including carbon cycle and countermeasures for climate change besides weather forecast.

KT SAT said it developed the solution based on the BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network) service that uses its existing Inmarsat satellite


KT SAT’s President Jaegook Song reported that “This solution will be an opportunity to become a satellite solution provider instead of staying in its satellite transponder rental business. It will be the first step to bring added value to KT SAT later.”