Press Releases

KT SAT provided field study opportunities to children through ‘Dream High’ program

2013-12-27 00:00:00

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KT SAT provided field study opportunities to children through ‘Dream High’ program

• Helps healthy emotional development of children through activities with them

• Field-trip to the satellite exhibition hall of Yongin Satellite Center and other social contribution activities related to business

• Will fulfill corporate social responsibility through continuous sharing activities


As part of sharing activities for the end of year, KT SAT (CEO JIyoung Kim, WWW.KTSAT.NET) said on 27th that it carried out ‘Dream High Program,’ an experience event for children in the local community with Joonglim Children’s Welfare Center (Director Yonggap Lee, WWW.ILCWC.OR.KR)


This event was held on 27th for a total of 25 children around Joonglim-dong, and was planned to build an upright character and cultivate the dreams of children, who are difficult to have field study due to economic circumstances, through various experiences.


On this day, the children visited the satellite center of KT SAT Yongin Satellite Center, picked strawberries in strawberry farms, and made strawberry jam and rice cake. 


Kim (9 years old) who participated in ‘Dream High’ expressed his feelings about the program: “It was amazing to see that a satellite was launched and is floating in the universe. I want to be an astronaut when I grow up like what I saw in the exhibition hall.”


In addition to the event, KT SAT carried out community service on 24th by donating goods and cleaning the environment through the connection with a local child center in Kumsan, Yongin, where its satellite center is located. 


KT SAT’s CEO Ilyoung Kim said that “We hope that children develop sensibility and grow as proper individuals through vivid field study experiences. KT SAT will share itself with our society and fulfill its corporate social responsibility through continuous social contribution activities.”